Dear all,
April 2024 is the beginning of the next reporting period (RP3) for the Sympore Project. Therefore, I attached the new timesheet Template (Apr 2024-Sep 2025) to this email. I also send again the instructions how to fill out the form for those who haven’t done it yet.
Please kindly notify me if you notice any mistake so that I can correct the file for everyone.
Best wishes,
Dr. Madlen Somssich (she/her)
Project Coordinator ERC Sympore
Institute for Molecular Physiology
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstrasse 1
Building 26.14, Room 00.027
D-40225 Düsseldorf
Phone: + 49 211 81-14623
Dear all,
This is to remind you to please submit your timesheets for last month (March 2024).
I hope everyone had nice easter holidays.
Best wishes,
Dr. Madlen Somssich (she/her)
Project Coordinator ERC Sympore
Institute for Molecular Physiology
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstrasse 1
Building 26.14, Room 00.027
D-40225 Düsseldorf
Phone: + 49 211 81-14623